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How the academia of India became bastion of communist forces

Independence had bring little change in government’s thinking and working since the values of the new republic were not brought in alignment with to Moral-ethical values of civilization of Bharata. Bureaucracy, army and judiciary without inherent moral-ethical value conviction is a mercenary set-up. This miserable situation continues even today.

Bureaucracy bore no misgivings about capabilities and character of the new political elite but remained loyal to ensure their share in the power. Sepoys never lacked in useful slave traits like hard work, diligence, a strain of native-intelligence and subservience. The judiciary that was fashioned as the ultimate arbitrator in sphere of transgressions, democratic aspirations, executive and legislative rights was a pale mimicry of British court. It rarely introspected upon the vacuity of their ivory tower structures and benign pompous disconnect from life and tradition.

This resulted into vast labyrinth of decisions and laws that imitated legal tradition of British courts but had little relevance in Indian conditions. Such cozy arrangements ensured perpetuation of rule of disconnected and purposeless people committed to petty monitory gains and securities and who rarely looked into the deeper aspirations of people.  Later on, such deracination came to be seen as a great virtue; with decline in moral and ethical values in personal and social life, integrity and creativity of modern educated class also shrank.

Education remains most critical element of an emerging or reviving republic. The first prime minster Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru made Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, a descendent of learned Islamic scholars, Education minister of India. This must have been a well deliberated decision. Maulana was a man of great integrity and character, who was taught at home by scholars in Islamic education along with philosophy, history, mathematics, Arabic, Persian, English, Urdu and Hindi.

But why was Maulana a better choice to design education of Independent India and not SP Mukherjee, MC Chagla or BR Ambedkar? Was Maulana Azad chosen because of his expertise or contribution to education or was it because he aligned well with the Prime Minister’s vision of education? Or was it because Maulana Azad was more pliable, reliable, and workable in Cabinet politics against Patel?

Whatever may be reasons but insofar the outcome is concerned, the academia of the country progressively became bastion of anti-dharmic, communist and anglophile globalist forces. The new education system saw moral and ethical values as superstitions, taboos and irrational beliefs of pre-modern society. Even many perceptive observers, dazzled by dominance of Abrahamic traditions wanted shortcut to empower a frail dharmic society by imitating traits of Abrahamic religions.

The education policy and government propaganda was to dismember dharmic value universe. Introduction of new progressive thinking was considered a necessity to build national identity of the new republic. English came out as a natural and convenient choice for such an enterprise. The education system denied studies in anything remotely related with dharmic values and texts. Very few departments provide course in ancient dharmic subjects in country; even for law studies in Dharma Shastra has became a taboo.

Chhandas or Vedic Sanskrit is a best available repository of knowledge for Indo-Aryan studies and no study in antiquities can be conceived without it. The classical or Paninian Sanskrit remains the most refined and precise language created till date. Panini’s Grammar is a scientific marvel that renders this language a context free nature. Context free grammar means that meaning of every sentence can be defined by predefined rules. Influence of such scientifically precise language’s study on development of mind and thought of this country could be hardly overstated. But this was not done.

Literature of other languages like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Braj that are veritable warehouses of moral and ethical wisdom commanding majestic beauty, aesthetic delights were shunned in favour of frivolous works in curriculum. Lingual and petty regional rivalries were deftly played to maintain English dominance and Sanskrit and other languages studies got lip service appreciation and encouragement. ?????????

This apathy has created a situation where top studies in Sanskrit are available in German Universities. Whence In India even a meritorious Sanskrit post-graduate scholar finds it an uphill task to get a respectable employment. And a celebrated Sanskrit scholar from Western hemisphere (Sheldon Pollock) who claimed that ‘Sanskrit had never been exactly alive in the first place’, was awarded Padma Shri for literature and education and Presidential Certificate of Honour for Sanskrit!

We can safely posit that as a policy, the anti-dharmic and anti-Bharata forces shall use predominance of English in legislature, executive and judiciary and media as tools to block popular democratic demand of inclusion of local moral and ethical values in education, till such values are thoroughly neutralized and discredited and new alien confused identities are strong enough to misunderstand Dharma.


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