Thursday, also known as Brihaspativar, is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Brihaspati (Jupiter). If you are facing financial crisis and want to end the shortage of money forever, then here are some small yet very effective remedies. You can start this from any Thursday.
Do these 7 simple remedies on Thursday
1. Offer raw milk to the Tulsi plant.
2. Wear yellow clothes or carry a yellow handkerchief with you.
3. Eat some yellow colored sweet before going out.
4. Visit the temple of Lord Vishnu.
5. Offer yellow flowers to Shri Hari.
6. Chant the mantra 'Om Gram Grim Graum Sah Gurave Namah' 108 times.
7. Offer yellow flowers in any temple or dargah.
Disclaimer: The content provided here is based on beliefs and information only. Always consult a concerned expert.