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Amnesty International report claims Rohingyas killed 99 Hindus

Wednesday, 23 May 2018 (17:05 IST)
Rakhine: A sensational report has shocked the world amid the debate of the deportation of Rohingya’s Muslims in India. The report furnished by a International Human rights organization, Amnesty International claims that a group named ARSA (Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army) has assassinated around 99 Hindus. However the organization Arsa has denied the outcome of the report.

These murders took place when a protest against the Myanmaar military broke out. The charges of human rights violation were also leveled against the Myanmar Military. Rohingya Muslims were forced to migrate from Rakhini region after receiving constant tyranny from Myanmaar Military. The conflict also forced majority Buddhists and Hindu to leave the area.However Rohingya Muslims surged into Bangladesh and also in India as refugees.

As per the Amnesty International report, after conducting many interviews in the area, it was verified that  ARSA was behind the murders. The massacre was carried out in August 2017 when Police station was also attacked. In the investigation it was also found that the group conducted the same operation in other regions of Myanmar. The total number of casualties by the violence is 99. (WD)

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