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WANTED: ‘Hank the Tank’ bear that breaks into homes, steals food in California

Wednesday, 23 February 2022 (11:49 IST)
California: A massive bear 'Hank the Tank' has been listed in California police's 'Wanted List' for breaking into dozens of homes since last summer.

According to BBC, the bear burglar weighing 227 kg, who appears to have skipped hibernation in winter due to a constant food supply, had hungrily barging his way into locked and occupied homes in Lake Tahoe neighbourhood.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife spokesman Peter Tira said, "It's learned to use its size and strength to force its way into homes. It'll barge through garage doors, it'll barge through front doors. It'll go through windows."

According to BBC, officials have received more than 150 calls about Hank and he has broken into nearly 40 homes, sometimes causing severe damage, in just the last six months.

South Lake Tahoe Police Department said the bear, also known as "King Henry" is "readily identifiable due to [his] exceptionally large size and dark coat with a lighter muzzle".

BBC quoted authorities as saying that euthanisation may be necessary because the wild animal has grown so comfortable around humans.

However, the wildlife groups have urged for his relocation to a sanctuary. (UNI)

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