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WATCH - Here’s how CISF saved woman's life as she jumps off Akshardham Metro Station

Thursday, 14 April 2022 (17:30 IST)
New Delhi: A young woman allegedly tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Akshardham Metro Station but Central Industrial Security Force personnel saved her, CISF said on Thursday.

CISF personnel deployed at Akshardham Metro Station in the morning noticed that a young woman was trying to commit suicide by jumping off from ledge of platform No 2.

Seeing this, staff quickly swung into action while a team tried to persuade the woman to abandon her thoughts. The other team with the help of local civil employees arranged for a blanket to catch her in case of a fall, said a senior official of CISF.

Due to the severity of fall she sustained severe injuries but her life has been saved. She was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where she is under treatment, said CISF. (UNI)

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