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Woman decided to marry her facebook lover, after meeting him she was shocked

Tuesday, 6 March 2018 (18:16 IST)
Beed: A 25 year-old Rajasthani girl, who went to meet her facebook lover, became nervous after knowing that her boyfriend was only 16, a XIIth class student. Later, she canceled her marriage plan and reached Aurangabad where her relatives stay, sources said.

A boy, resident of Balapeer in Beed came in contact with this girl, resident of Jaipur in Rajasthan state on Facebook and decided to tie a nuptial knot keeping their families in dark.

When she landed in Beed, she understood that he was only 16. Dropping the plan of marriage, he came with her in Aurangabad where her relatives stay. But since then he went missing, his parents filed a complaint on Monday.The police launched a hunt to the student.(UNI)

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